News Release

Four-year, $38.8 million infrastructure project will support continued cargo and passenger traffic growth.

HAMILTON, ON (June 14, 2019) – John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport will undergo an Airfield Rehabilitation and Modernization Project to fully restore its two main runways, supporting taxiways and lighting systems over the next four years, starting in 2019. These projects will improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of airport operations, accelerate investment to accommodate the increasing use of larger wide-body aircraft for domestic and long-haul traffic to support current and future growth through Hamilton International.

“Modernization of Hamilton International’s runways, taxiways and lighting systems will ensure longevity of this critical infrastructure, and position the Airport to continue serving a strategic transportation and trade corridor, and the many businesses who rely on connections to port, train, major route highway and U.S. border routes to access new markets for Canadian imports and exports,” said President & CEO, Cathie Puckering.  “We look forward to completing these critical infrastructure improvements so that Hamilton International can continue to deliver on its vision to be the best global gateway in Canada for affordable travel and goods movement and continue to be a key economic contributor in our region.”

The investment of critical transportation infrastructure includes four major elements: 

  • Strengthen the Airport’s primary runway: Runway 12-30 is one of Southern Ontario’s longest runways, and investment will facilitate current and future heavy freighter traffic. Rehabilitation of instrument landing and low visibility systems will improve overall reliability.
  • Strengthen the Airport’s secondary crosswind runway: Investments will be made to improve the efficiency of Runway 06-24, which serves as the alternative approach and departure path for diversion flights during inclement weather.
  • Upgrade taxiways systems: The airfield’s support system of taxiways connecting to the runways will be upgraded to accommodate growing 24/7 aircraft operations.
  • Upgrade airfield lighting: Advanced LED lighting technology will be implemented on the airfield to improve reliability, promote efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The total project cost is $38.89 million, and Transport Canada’s National Trade Corridor Fund (NTCF) will contribute $18.54 million, with the balance funded by airport operator TradePort International Corporation, as part of its capital investment plan. To minimize closures and interruption to existing 24/7 operations, airfield work will be completed in phases.

Hamilton International is an economic engine for the City of Hamilton and the surrounding region. Its latest Economic Impact Study demonstrated that in 2017, the Airport generated almost 3,500 jobs in the region (a 25% increase since 2013), labour income of $243 million, a GDP of $385 million and industry activity of $1.2 billion.  Through the investment announced today, these Airport projects will create more than 350 construction jobs, with an additional 863 full-time jobs to be created over the next five years, representing an additional $149 million in labour income. The Airport anticipates that the NTCF’s investment will facilitate approximately $2.1B in economic activity annually.

“On behalf of our board of directors, employees and business partners of Hamilton International, a sincere thank you to the Government of Canada and the Honourable Minister Marc Garneau for recognizing the need for infrastructure investment to further promote continued growth in our region,” Puckering said. “Our Member of Parliament, the Honourable Minister Filomena Tassi, has graciously endorsed the Airport for its many economic benefits to our community, and this next step ensures that the momentum continues.”

“Hamilton is proud to be home to Canada’s fastest growing and largest overnight express cargo airport. On behalf of the City of Hamilton, I would like to thank our Federal partners for their contribution towards this exciting restoration project at John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport. With this investment, our airport will see hundreds of new jobs created, critical new safety measures implemented and further promotion of talent and services available in Hamilton.” – His Worship Fred Eisenberger, Mayor of Hamilton

Hamilton International remains Canada’s largest overnight express cargo airport and hub for ecommerce. In the last two years, air cargo business has grown by 20%, while passenger traffic has experienced 118% growth to more than 725,000 passengers served in 2018.   Exceptional growth in both segments of its business and public/private investment towards invaluable airport infrastructure are clearly placing Hamilton International Airport in an optimal position to continue toward its company vision in being recognized by the world as the best global gateway in Canada for affordable travel and goods movement.

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About John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport

John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport is a growing international gateway for affordable travel and the largest overnight express freight airport in Canada. In 2018, the airport served 725,630 passengers, a year-over-year increase of 21%. The Airport is owned by the City of Hamilton and managed under an agreement by TradePort International Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vantage Airport Group – an industry leading investor, developer and manager of airport assets. This allows Hamilton International to incorporate best-in-class practices from around the world into its operations. As an efficient facilitator of cargo and passenger operations, John C. Munro Hamilton International is an economic engine and responsible community partner. Its strategic location and uncongested 24/7 operations make it an attractive option for both passenger and cargo carriers looking to serve the Southern Ontario market.

Hamilton International Airport Media Contact
Dina Carlucci
Director, Marketing & Communications
John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport