News Release
HAMILTON, ON (August 8, 2019) – John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport is thrilled to debut its newly redesigned website at The Airport partnered with Rocket Digital, a local digital marketing agency from Ancaster, to develop a new website which features a modern design, enhanced navigation, improved functionality and enriched content for travellers, partners and stakeholders.
The creative and impactful design of the new website closely reflects the revitalized look that can be observed inside the terminal building, incorporating the vibrant greens and blues to reinforce the brand identity of Hamilton International and its bold outlook for the future.
Created with the user experience in mind, the Airport’s new website includes new tools and features that allow users to quickly and easily navigate the website to find the information they are seeking. New tools include:
Parking Fee Calculator: Receive a free estimate of your parking costs before arriving at the Airport by simply indicating your anticipated stay in the terminal parking lot.
Interactive Destinations Map: Discover all the exciting places you can fly to directly from Hamilton International with the new Interactive Destinations Map, which details available routes, air carriers, program duration, flight frequency and more.
Arrivals and Departures Filters: Wondering if your flight is on time or picking up a loved one from the Airport? You can now filter the Arrivals and Departures section of the website to check the status of a specific flight by origin/destination or airline.
Trip Planner: With links to Google Flights, users can navigate and price various flight options available from Hamilton International (YHM) including a wide selection of connecting flight options.

With both an updated new look to the terminal in recent months and now a new website experience, it was timely to refresh the Airport’s video assets and create a new piece to highlight the diverse passenger activity happening at Hamilton International. We trust you will enjoy this short video clip to capture the Airport’s passenger growth and customer experience improvements.
About John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport
John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport is a growing international gateway for affordable travel and the largest overnight express freight airport in Canada. In 2018, the Airport served 725,630 passengers, a year-over-year increase of 21%. The Airport is owned by the City of Hamilton and managed under an agreement by TradePort International Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vantage Airport Group – an industry leading investor, developer and manager of airport assets. This allows Hamilton International to incorporate best-in-class practices from around the world into its operations. As an efficient facilitator of cargo and passenger operations, John C. Munro Hamilton International is an economic engine and responsible community partner. Its strategic location and uncongested 24/7 operations make it an attractive option for both passenger and cargo carriers looking to serve the Southern Ontario market.
Hamilton International Airport Media Contact
Tomas Cleary
Senior Coordinator, Marketing & Communications
John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport